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Basic functional programming


The operating environment and software and hardware configurations are as follows:

  • OriginBot robot(Visual Version/Navigation Version)
  • PC:Ubuntu (≥20.04) + ROS2 (≥Foxy)

Get odometer messages

Run the routine

After starting the robot chassis, run the following commands on the robot or PC:

$ ros2 run originbot_demo echo_odom

Soon the location coordinates in the odometer odom topic will be visible in the terminal:


Code implementation

The code file that implements this function is originbot_demo/, and the detailed implementation process is as follows:

import rclpy                          # ROS2 Python interface library
from rclpy.node   import Node         # ROS2 Node class
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry     # The odometer message defined by the ROS2 standard

Create a subscriber node
class SubscriberNode(Node):

    def __init__(self, name):
        super().__init__(name)                              # The ROS2 node parent class is initialized
        self.sub = self.create_subscription(\
            Odometry, "odom", self.listener_callback, 10)   # Create subscriber objects (message type, topic name, subscriber callback function, queue length)

    def listener_callback(self, msg):                        # Create a callback function that performs the processing of the data after receiving the topic message
        self.get_logger().info('Robot Position: "%0.2f, %0.2f"' \
            % (msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y)) 

def main(args=None):                       # ROS2 node main entry main function
    rclpy.init(args=args)                  # ROS2 The Python interface is initialized
    node = SubscriberNode("echo_odom")     # Create and initialize the ROS2 node object
    rclpy.spin(node)                       # Loop waiting for ROS2 to exit
    node.destroy_node()                    # Destroy node object
    rclpy.shutdown()                       # Close the ROS2 Python interface

Get the status of your bot

Run the routine

After starting the robot chassis, run the following commands on the robot or PC:

$ ros2 run originbot_demo echo_status

Soon you will be able to see the output information of the robot status in the terminal:


Code implementation

The code file that implements this function is originbot_demo/, and the detailed implementation process is as follows:

import rclpy                                     # ROS2 Python interface library
from rclpy.node   import Node                    # ROS2 Node class
from originbot_msgs.msg import OriginbotStatus   # OriginBot Custom status messages

Create a subscriber node
class SubscriberNode(Node):

    def __init__(self, name):
        super().__init__(name)                                               # The ROS2 node parent class is initialized
        self.sub = self.create_subscription(\
            OriginbotStatus, "originbot_status", self.listener_callback, 10) # Create subscriber objects (message type, topic name, subscriber callback function, queue length)

    def listener_callback(self, msg):                                        # Create a callback function that performs the processing of the data after receiving the topic message
        self.get_logger().info('battery voltage: "%0.2f", buzzer on: "%d", led on:  "%d"' \
            % (msg.battery_voltage, msg.buzzer_on, msg.led_on)) 

def main(args=None):                    # ROS2 node main entry main function
    rclpy.init(args=args)               # ROS2 The Python interface is initialized
    node = SubscriberNode("echo_odom")  # Create and initialize the ROS2 node object
    rclpy.spin(node)                    # Loop waiting for ROS2 to exit
    node.destroy_node()                 # Destroy node object
    rclpy.shutdown()                    # Close the ROS2 Python interface

Control the buzzer

Run the routine

After starting the robot chassis, run the following commands on the robot or PC:

$ ros2 run originbot_demo control_buzzer

After successful operation, you can hear the buzzer on the robot controller board start to sound at intervals, and the interval time is about 3s.

Code implementation

The code file that implements this function is originbot_demo/, and the detailed implementation process is as follows:

import time
import rclpy                                     # ROS2 Python interface library
from rclpy.node   import Node                    # ROS2 Node class
from originbot_msgs.srv import OriginbotBuzzer   # Custom service interface

class serverClient(Node):
    def __init__(self, name):
        super().__init__(name)                                                  # The ROS2 node parent class is initialized
        self.client = self.create_client(OriginbotBuzzer, 'originbot_buzzer')   # Create a service client object (service interface type, service name)
        while not self.client.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=1.0):                # Loop waiting for the server side to start successfully
            self.get_logger().info('service not available, waiting again...') 
        self.request = OriginbotBuzzer.Request()                                # Create the data object for the service request

    def send_request(self, buzzer_on):                                          # Create a function that sends a service request
        self.request.on = buzzer_on
        self.future = self.client.call_async(self.request)                      # Service requests are sent in asynchronous mode

def main(args=None):
    rclpy.init(args=args)                      # ROS2 The Python interface is initialized
    node = serverClient("control_buzzer")      # Create and initialize the ROS2 node object

    buzzer_on= True
    while rclpy.ok():                          # ROS2 The system is running properly
Send service request
        node.send_request(buzzer_on)           # Send service request
        rclpy.spin_once(node)                  # Loop through the node once

        buzzer_on = not buzzer_on

    node.destroy_node()                        # Destroy node object
    rclpy.shutdown()                           # Close the ROS2 Python interface

Control LED

Run the routine

After starting the robot chassis, run the following commands on the robot or PC:

$ ros2 run originbot_demo control_led

After successful operation, you can see that the LED on the robot controller board starts to flash at intervals, and the interval time is about 3s.


Code implementation

The code file that implements this function is originbot_demo/, and the detailed implementation process is as follows:

import time
import rclpy                                   # ROS2 Python interface library
from rclpy.node   import Node                  # ROS2 Node class
from originbot_msgs.srv import OriginbotLed    # Custom service interface

class serverClient(Node):
    def __init__(self, name):
        super().__init__(name)                                                 # The ROS2 node parent class is initialized
        self.client = self.create_client(OriginbotLed, 'originbot_led')        # Create a service client object (service interface type, service name)
        while not self.client.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=1.0):               # Loop waiting for the server side to start successfully
            self.get_logger().info('service not available, waiting again...') 
        self.request = OriginbotLed.Request()                                  # Create the data object for the service request

    def send_request(self, led_on):                                            # Create a function that sends a service request
        self.request.on = led_on
        self.future = self.client.call_async(self.request)                     # Service requests are sent in asynchronous mode

def main(args=None):
    rclpy.init(args=args)                 # ROS2 The Python interface is initialized
    node = serverClient("control_led")    # Create and initialize the ROS2 node object

    led_on= True
    while rclpy.ok():                     # ROS2 The system is running properly
        node.send_request(led_on)         # Send service request
        rclpy.spin_once(node)             # Loop through the node once

        led_on = not led_on

    node.destroy_node()                   # Destroy node object
    rclpy.shutdown()                      # Close the ROS2 Python interface

Publish speed commands

Run the routine

After starting the robot chassis, run the following commands on the robot or PC:

$ ros2 run originbot_demo draw_circle


After successful startup, you can see that the robot starts to make a circular motion:


Code implementation

The code file that implements this function is originbot_demo/, and the detailed implementation process is as follows:

import rclpy                              # ROS2 Python interface library
from rclpy.node import Node               # ROS2 Node class
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist       # News on speed topic

Create a subscriber node
class PublisherNode(Node):

    def __init__(self, name):
        super().__init__(name)                                    # The ROS2 node parent class is initialized   = self.create_publisher(Twist, 'cmd_vel', 10)  # Create a publisher object (message type, topic name, queue length)
        self.timer = self.create_timer(0.5, self.timer_callback)  # Create a timer (period in seconds, timed callback function)

    def timer_callback(self):               # Create a callback function for timer periodic execution
        twist = Twist()                     # Create a message object of type Twist
        twist.linear.x  = 0.2               # Fill the line speed in the message object
        twist.angular.z = 0.8               # Fill the angular velocity in the message object              # Publish topic news
        self.get_logger().info('Publishing: "linear: %0.2f, angular: %0.2f"' % (twist.linear.x, twist.angular.z))  

def main(args=None):                      # ROS2 node main entry main function
    rclpy.init(args=args)                 # ROS2 The Python interface is initialized
    node = PublisherNode("draw_circle")   # Create and initialize the ROS2 node object
    rclpy.spin(node)                      # Loop waiting for ROS2 to exit
    node.destroy_node()                   # Destroy node object
    rclpy.shutdown()                      # Close the ROS2 Python interface
